Happy Feast of Pentecost! In our Community we have been preparing for this feast for the past nine days by praying the Novena to the Holy Spirit. The time of the Pentecost Novena has always been a rather solemn occasion in our Motherhouse. Until several years ago when we had more young Sisters in Formation we had Eucharistic Adoration 24/7 for the nine days preceding the Feast of Pentecost. Young and not always so young Sisters took those after midnight hours. This year was very special, too. We invited people from the neighborhood to join us in our prayer. It was a very edifying experience for all.
We do have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every day from around 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. During the Novena the time was extended until 9:00 p.m. As we took our turns in Chapel we remembered our families, friends and benefactors in a special way.
Our Founder, Father Thomas Augustine Judge, CM, had great devotion to the Holy Spirit. This is an important part of our spiritual heritage. Article 11 of our Rule of Life says, "We are to make the Holy Spirit better known and loved. By steadfast prayer in our Cenacles we seek to attract the Holy Spirit so that our own hearts may be enkindled with God's love and that we may spread this fire to others. We ask to be filled with the gifts of the Spirit, wisdom and fortitude especially."
There is so much that could be said about the Holy Spirit, but anyone that I know who has this devotion has had powerful experiences of his presence. Let us pray that Holy Spirit continue to lead, guide and enlighten us in all that we are about so that we may attain the holiness to which we have been called.
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