Thursday, July 21, 2011

Discerning Your Call

As you know my present work is to help people discern their calling in life. You might notice I didn't just say young people. I receive mail from people of all ages who are are trying discern where God is leading them. Some are in their 40's, 50's and 60's. I recently received an email from a woman who is 70. You might say they are responding to a "mid-life crisis" or they are wondering what to do now that they are retired. I am convinced it is more than that. Whether you are at the point in life that you can make a major decision or if you are at the point where a major shift in your life style would be difficult for you as well as for those around you, you have a call.
Each day of our lives God is inviting us to something more, whether it's responding to God's invitation to a deeper life with Him, or being more attentive to the needs of those around us, or perhaps living more wholeheartedly the vocation and career we have. Life is an adventure, and a sure way to enjoy it even more is to take a few quiet moments each day and ask God to reveal to you His ideas of how you might best live out the day.
Perhaps you could share some ways you've felt "called" recently, whether it involved a major life change or another that has truly affected your life.
Sr. Olivia, my coworker, recently pointed this video out to me which I think is so well done, and shows us that "vocation" is not an either/or. No, it is much more inclusive. I hope you enjoy it.

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