I was very struck by the content of the speakers' presentations. It made me realize how the entire world is filled
with violence. One of the presenters spoke about a young man from Morelia in Michoacan, which is one of the most beautiful and traditional cities in Mexico. On Independence Day in Mexico, September 16, two years ago, this young man set off a grenade during the parade. A number of people were killed. When asked what he was doing five minutes before this action, he said he was eating a hamburger. An unbelievable immunity to violence and its consequences.
The issue of suicide was also addressed. These are not happening in situations of extreme poverty, quite the

contrary, more so among middle and upper class families. I realize that the roots of this violence and sense of hopelessness are multiple and complex, but I hope that many, especially in our Churches will reach out, as the Church of Chimalhuacan did on Sunday, to our youth and help them realize what a precious gift is life, especially theirs, and somehow they will realize that each one of them has a future full of hope.
First picture, youth gatherine in groups. Second picture, Sister Grace Ramond with Brother Jaime, from our Brother Community. Sister Grace is from Brooklyn, NY, and is in her first year in Chimalhuacan. Third, me in my "five minutes of fame".
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