This shrine is not known for major miracles like Our Lady of Lourdes in France, but I believe that most people who go there do experience the tenderness of a mother who cares for them. In fact, one of the phrases written on the walls inside and outside of the Basilica contains the words of Mary when she appeared to Juan Diego, "Am I not here as your mother?" The building seats about ten thousand people, and is generally full. One of the miracles for me is that you can be in the midst of so many people and still experience a deep sense of peace. Of course, the other miracle is the authenticity. The tilma on which Our Lady of Guadalupe left her image has survived bombings, scientific investigations, the supression of Catholicism and almost 500 years!
And so it is that after the birth of a child, parents take him or her to the "Villa" as it is known here, for their "Mother" to see. People are often seen approaching the entrance on their knees to complete a "promesa", a promise they have made for a favor received. While there may or may not be many major miracles, perhaps the miracle is that people living in very difficult circumstances find the strength to carry on. Maybe that's what mothers do best, give their children hope and encouragement to continue believing in themselves in spite of many difficulties and obstacles in their lives.
Please know I remembered all of you, family, friends, Community, women discerning their vocation and especially our benefactors who make possible all we do, in this holy place.
The first photo is a view from path pilgrims' walk. The building in the back is the previous shrine. It became too small to hold the crowds and also was sinking from earthquake damage.
The second is the new Basilica (cir 1970). The third is the inside of the Basilica.
Hna. Cata, gracias por traernos esta historia. Siempre que veo la basilica me lleno de emoción al recordar las ocaciones que ibamos con mi familia a ver a mi morenita. No creo poder expresear lo que se siente cuando pasa uno por debajo de la imagen de nuestra madre. Solo experimentandolo es que uno se da cuenta del gran amor, paz y emoción que se siente cuando nos ve a los ojos. Cuando Dios me permita regresar lo primero que tengo planeado hacer es ir a verla y darle las gracias por todo. Muchas bendiciones hermana Cata.
ReplyDeleteWow, que gusto a ver los fotos y leer tu experiencias en 'mi Mexico lindo y querido'. Gracias Catalina! Voy a ver 'mamita Lupita' muy pronto!